Dr Neil's Garden contactless payment terminal – Design and build

Having seen the RBGE donation units and been impressed by their design and effectiveness, the Trustees for Dr Neil’s Garden, Duddingston contacted The Port Creative to enquire about a similar solution for increasing their public donations. The garden previously had a traditional cash money box which, after years of being continually vandalised, was unfortunately stolen from its wall mounting in 2020. With limited space and a smaller budget, the simplest and most cost effective solution was to house the contactless terminal behind the window of the visitors hut at the garden entrance. The Port Creative designed, illustrated and applied the vinyl to the inside of the window. We also designed and built the housing unit for the Payter contactless card reader which was connected to the existing power supply. In only a matter of weeks the contactless unit was already proving its worth and for a recent annual garden festival doubled as a successful ice cream payment device!